Stay Up-to-Date with Email Notifications

  • I lost my password.
  • I swear someone moved that deadline up a week!
  • I completely forgot.
  • The dog ate my line-ups.

You name it we've heard it when it comes to excuses for missing entry deadlines. In a perfect world everyone would submit their entries and line-ups one week before the regatta giving you plenty of time to complete heat sheets and race-day set up. When is the last time that happened?

Fortunately, RC has a comprehensive email notification system in place. Should you choose to allow late entries or entry modifications beyond the normal registration deadline you will receive an email when entries are submitted, scratched, moved or edited. Configuring the deadlines correctly for your regatta's needs should eliminate the need for you to act as a moderator for changes to entry data. Check out the information below to find the configuration that works best for you.

Deadline ConfigurationEmail sent to regatta contact?
Early registration period



Early entry discount can be created through the Event editor

Standard registration period


Late registration period
  • New entry submitted
  • Entry scratched
  • Entry moved
  • Line-up modified
Line-ups deadline set beyond standard or late registration period


  • Line-up modified
    • This is the only option available to entrants if all other deadlines are closed
Custom (Access granted by administrator on a per-account basis)
  • New entry submitted
  • Entry scratched
  • Entry moved
  • Line-up modified


Administrator Triggered Emails

As an administrator you are able to make changes to entry data at any time. For example, if someone emails you after the deadline saying that they entered the wrong event, you can quickly move their entry into the correct category. You will be given the option to send an email to the entrant after the switch is made.

ActionEmail Recipient
Admin scratches entry through Entries & Waitlist ManagerEntrant (send email optional)
Admin moves entry through Entries & Waitlist ManagerEntrant (send email optional)


Check out the home page of our Regatta Management Wiki to find tutorials, instructions and more information on RC features.